Costs Calculator

Allovue works to demystify school finance and build greater accountability in K-12 education. Use this tool to evaluate compensation costs in your own district.

According to the National Public Education Finance Survey:

  • Instruction Compensation = salaries/benefits for teachers and instructional aides.
  • General Admin Compensation = salaries/benefits for school district officials/administrators, not instruction coordinators. The Survey groups "expenditures for curriculum development" (including compensation) under Instructional Staff Support not General Administration.
Illustration of employee info cards with headshots and dollar signs.

Related Resources

Teacher Compensation


The Next 10 Years of Ed Finance: Teacher Compensation

Teacher compensation is related, directly or indirectly, to several challenges plaguing K-12 education: teacher shortages, teacher recruitment and retention, pension debt, resource equity, and funding adequacy. 


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Teacher & Administrator Perceptions about Ed Finance

Follow the money in the first annual Allovue Education Finance Survey of teachers, school leaders, and district administrators. The survey assessed perceptions of key issues in K-12 education finance, such as ESSER funds, teacher salaries, and principals' level of budget control.


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